The Importance of Independent Advocacy

Emerging leaders attended a Zoom session to learn more about independent social advocacy and the principles and elements of this work. This session was to ...
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Claude and his Family’s Story

Jacqueline and Nasibu are from Burundi, and live in Brisbane with their six children. In this video they speak in Kirundi, their first language, about ...
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Useful links

Speaking Up For You Inc. Speaking Up For You protects and defends vulnerable people with disability through individual advocacy to address injustices and make a ...
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Working with Interpreters and developing cultural competence

AMPARO Advocacy has produced three fact sheets to provide information about working with interpreters and developing cultural competence. Australia has a rich cultural diversity, and ...
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The NDIS and interpreters and translators

The NDIA must provide access to interpreters to potential NDIS participants to access and communicate with the NDIA, including when making an access request over ...
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Building Capacity and Potential through Connection 2018-2019

Building Capacity and Potential through Connection – sharing understandings, experiences and journeys of disability, and building capacity and potential through connection 2018-2019 This pilot project ...
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Hoe Say’s Story

Hoe Say and his family are of Burmese ethnicity and have lived in Australia for the past seven years. In this video Hoe Say and ...
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Barriers and Exclusions: The Support Needs of Newly Arrived Refugees with a Disability

Due to experiences of conflict, torture and displacement, people from refugee backgrounds are more likely to have a disability than other populations. This report makes ...
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Multicultural Community Engagement Projects(NDIS) 2017- 2018

AMPARO Advocacy was funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability to raise awareness about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Culturally ...
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AMPARO Advocacy’s response to the Towards an all abilities Queensland Consultation Paper (pdf) AMPARO Advocacy’s response to the review of the National Disability Advocacy Program (pdf) ...
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